league play!
Improve your skills and become part of a pickleball community! APS Leagues provide organized competitive play among players of similar skill levels. Players are grouped based on gender, age, and rating. Leagues follow a season schedule with teams playing regular, weekly matches. The league format may vary by season, but generally includes a registration process, team formation based on skill ratings, and weekly matches you’ll host at your home courts and away matches all within Southern California. Divisions will be grouped by area not to exceed 30 minutes drive time. After each season, a single elimination playoff occurs for those that qualify, crowning a champion at the end.

what to expect
Registration – To register for an APS League, you will first need an invite emailed to you by your team captain or APS Coordinator.
Team Formation – Team Captains will form teams based on skill level and gender. Team Captains can form teams at any facility within County by contacting their club or city parks and recreation department. Once you have permission from your club/facility to host home matches, contact us here to submit your team information.
Schedule – Your league will have a regular season game schedule, one match per week. Matches will take place on set days/times. Venues will rotate between home and away courts. Schedules for the season will be posted no later than one week prior to league start.
Length of Season – The length of each season will be determined by the number of teams in each division and can run from six weeks to about nine weeks. You do not have to commit to play every week.
Scoring and Formats – Match formats may vary by season featuring three lines of doubles, three lines of doubles plus one singles line, mixed doubles, gender doubles, combined skill levels, etc. Best 3 games out of 5 to 11 or best 2 games out of 3 to 11. USPA 2024 pickleball rules will be used as well as Local league rules.
Throughout the course of the season, APS manages all aspects of the league to ensure the best experience for all players.
Whether you belong to a club or want to form a team at a city facility, reach out to the club or facility pickleball director to get permission to host home matches. The pickleball director will need to know how many courts you’ll need for home matches and what day of the week you’ll need courts. You’ll need one court for each line of doubles and singles (if singles is included in your season). The pickleball director will determine what time they will give you courts for your home matches.
Contact us above and we'll be happy to walk you through it!
Captains play free! - The captain of each team may have their league fee waived if they register on the captains only team, costing them only $5 non-refundable processing fee.
Team Captain Responsibilities
During the season:
Meet with your team players and explain the rules.
Determine which players will play each match.
Prepare and exchange the line up with the opposing team captain (or assign an acting captain if you cannot attend the match).
Enter scores at the end of each match.
When you are the host captain:
Call/text visiting captain the day before the match and review playing time, directions and meeting place at your club.
Be at the club designated meeting place 15 minutes prior to match start time to greet your guests. Do not continue warming up on courts while your guests are arriving. It is the host captain’s responsibility to ensure that courts are ready for play having one court for each line of play at the scheduled start time.
Remind your players to provide NEW balls for their match.
When you are the visiting captain:
Make sure your team members know the directions, time of match and meeting place at the club you are visiting.
If you did not receive a call/text from the host captain, take it upon yourself to call them to confirm time, directions, and meeting place.
Make sure you and your team arrive at host club at least 10 minutes ahead of scheduled match time.
Divisions: You must be at least 18 years of age to participate. If you turn 18 in the calendar year you are eligible. If you turn 50 during the calendar year you are eligible for 50+. Divisions offered 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 – 18+ and 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 – 50+
At Skill Level: A minimum of 50% of the players registered on each team must be “at skill level”. At skill level is +/- 0.5 from the rated league division. You may play up in skill level, but not down. Skill level is determined by your DUPR rating. If you do not have a DUPR rating, you must self-rate. Anyone self-rating below their actual skill level may be disqualified without a refund. As ratings change weekly, a player must register for the skill level posted on DUPR at time of registration. Each player needs to select American Pickleball Series on DUPR.
3.0 division – up to 3.49 DUPR
3.5 division – up to 3.99 DUPR
4.0 division - up to 4.49 DUPR
4.5 division - up to 4.99 DUPR
Multiple Divisions of Play: Players may compete in more than one division of play in their local league but not two teams in the same division. For example, a player may compete in the Men’s 4.0, 18+ and the Men’s 4.0, 50+, but not two teams in the Men’s 4.0, 18+. They may compete in a Men’s 4.0, 18+ and a Men’s 4.5, 18+.
Roster size: Roster size will be determined by the number of lines played each season:
3 line league – minimum 6 players
4 line league – minimum 8 players
5 line league – minimum 10 players
Roster limits: Roster limits will be enforced to ensure all players have the opportunity to play in a minimum of two matches:
3 line league – limit 18 players
4 line league – limit 21 players
5 line league – limit 22 players
Captain discretion for team size: Captains have the discretion to create a team with the necessary number of players in order to avoid defaults of play. It is highly recommended that teams have enough extra players to avoid forfeits and unexpected player injuries.
Roster Additions: Players may be added to a team at any point during the season.
Wavier: All players must have agreed to the waiver release of liability prior to participation in the league each season.
Scoring Format: The best three out of five games to 11 points, win by two points, is the format of play unless agreed upon prior to match time, best two out of three games to 11 points, win by two points if court time restriction is an issue. This decision must be agreed upon by the captains prior to the start of the match.
Pickleballs: USAP approved pickleballs are provided by the HOME team. Home team must provide at least 2 match balls of the same type for each home match. Refreshments are optional. There is no requirement for warm-up courts.
Register before you play: All players must be registered on the team prior to their match. Violation of this rule will result in a default for that line.
Lineup Exchange: Lineups must be filled out completely and exchanged by match time.
Warm-Up: The match maximum warm up time is 10 minutes. Facilities are not required to supply courts for pre-match practice.
Starting the match: Any fair method can be used to determine the “toss”, which player or team has first choice of side, service, or receive.
Changing court sides – In a 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 game format, players will change court sides after each of the first two (or four) games. If a third (or a fifth) game is played, players will switch after a player /team reaches 6 points.
Linespersons Guidelines
Play can be delayed to wait for one person to become available to serve as a linesperson. Play cannot be delayed to wait for a second linesperson. A second lineperson can be added when available.
You are an official of the game; you are not a friend, teammate, or opponent. Be fair and impartial. Do not interact with the players except as an official.
Stand at the net post to make line calls.
Be focused on your responsibility; watch the point from the serve until the point ends.
You are to make line calls only when requested by players in a disputed point. The ruling of the linesperson is final.
If you are unsighted, meaning that a player’s body is blocking your view fo the line and the ball, you must indicate that you are unsighted. The call of the player then stands.
When two linespersons are present, only the linesperson standing closest to the line in question should be asked for the ruling. The linesperson on the opposite side of the court cannot possibly have a better vantage point than someone who is looking directly down the line. For calls along the baseline either or both linespersons may be asked if they could clearly see whether the ball was in or out. If there is disagreement between the linespersons, the original call of the player stands.
Entering Scores: If a match score is not entered within 48 hours of the completion of the match, it may be recorded as a double default. Either captain can enter the score. Team winning the majority of individual games shall be awarded one team point in the division standings. Team stats will be available on the website.
Rescheduling matches: Captains can reschedule matches with the APS Coordinator within the first 7 days after the new season schedule has been posted. After this period, captains need to request change directly with each other, and only if a new date is mutually agreed upon then report the date change to the APS coordinator. When requesting to reschedule a match it will be up to the opposing team to accept or decline. The team asking for a reschedule will be imposed a 1-line penalty.
Inclement Weather Delays/Postponements – Rain, Wind/Air Quality and Heat can cause courts to be unplayable. Matches should not be canceled too early (e.g., the night before). It is the responsibility of the host team to check with the club court personnel to ensure that courts will be playable at Scheduled Start Time or within 30 minutes thereof.
Rain – If it is raining 90 minutes prior to scheduled match time at the host site, host captain must reschedule matches. In the event of rain or wet conditions during a match, continuation of the match will be at the discretion of the players involved. Players must wait a minimum of 20 minutes to see if weather permits play to resume. If, after 20 minutes, play cannot be resumed, then match is continue on another day. The same players must play in the continue match and play is resumed at exactly the same score as when the match was halted. If the same players cannot play the rescheduled match, the match is scored as a retirement fo the players who cannot continue.
Wet Courts due to Heavy Fog/Rain – start time can be delayed if courts will be playable up to 30 minutes past scheduled start time. If some, but not all, courts will be playable within the 30 minute extension, it is up to the team captains to agree on which lines will play and which will reschedule. To the greatest extent possible, the Host Team Captain should notify Visiting Team Captain at least 60 minutes prior to match time fi matches will be reschedule or delayed 30 minutes.
Wind/Air Quality (Ash from Fires) – Cancel a match for wind only if it creates a drastic change in game play determined by the Home Captain or if the Air Quality Index (AQI) is 125 or higher at the host site 60 minutes prior to match start time. If either condition occurs after the match has started, continuation of the match will be at the discretion of the players involved.
Heat – If the temperature is expected to reach 95 degrees or higher during a two hour window beginning with the match start time at the host site on the day of the match, the host captain must reschedule matches 60 minutes before scheduled start time. If court temperatures reach 95 degrees or higher after the match has started and any player wishes to stop, completion of the match must be rescheduled the same way as when rain interrupts game play. Exception: If 2 games of a 3 game match, or 4 games of a 5 game match have been played, then all four players may agree to reschedule or finish the match with a 11 point tie break win by two.
Rescheduled matches must be played by the end of the season.
Late rule – Once the clock starts for match time, penalty shall apply accordingly:
0-9 minutes – no penalty
10-14 minutes – 1 point
15-19 minutes - 2 points
20-24 minutes – 3 points
25-19 minutes – 4 points
30-34 minutes – 5 points
35+ minutes – Default - OR opposing captain can choose to offer grace time up to 45 minutes for extenuating circumstances. All penalties must be taken before the first game is played, and score must be announced or those penalties will be nullified.
Before matches – Team Captain should provide notice no lass than 60 minutes prior to schedules match time, advising the opposing team captain which line will be defaulting.
After arrival at host club – If it is determined that the player(s) will not arrive before 35 minutes has elapsed, then that line defaults.
Once a line has defaulted by either team, the default is irrevocable. Exception: If a team defaults before matches are postponed due to inclement weather (no line has started), the default does not stand.
When a line is defaulted by either team, the opposing team receives points for the win, but no player names are recorded on the scoresheet.
Rest Periods:
Changing Sides – 90 seconds
End of Game – 2 minutes
After 2 Games before a 3rd Game – 2 minutes
Time Outs – one time out per game by each team.
Medical Time Out – a medical time out should not exceed 3 minutes which includes all evaluation and treatment time. Only one medical time out is allowed per injury or illness. Fatigue is not a valid reason for a medical time out.
Coaching – allowed on all change overs and time outs.
Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated and may result in suspension from league play. Player grievances can be submitted by team captains to the APS coordinator for review.
Registration Credit: Any player who is rostered on a team and has not played any matches or received any default wins (and is not required for the “at skill level” requirement) will receive a credit after the end of the season. The credit will not expire, is not transferable and has no cash value. No refunds will be given.
A player must have played at least 2 matches during the season to be eligible for the end of the season single elimination tournament.